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Ebbw Vale: Sensors supporting protection of documents in Gwent Archives

Challenge: Gwent Archives collect and preserve archives relating to the former county of Gwent, inlcuding plans, photographs, diaries and minutes. Due to the age of some of the documents, they must be kept and stored at specific heat and huminidity levels to avoid any damage. They had some ongoing issues with their Building Management System and needed to ensure that no damage was caused to the documents held on site, within the strong rooms, conservation rooms, research rooms and work rooms.
Solution: Damian Williams, IoT Delivery Officer, Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council worked in partnership with the Gwent archives team and installed 4 temperature and humidity sensors. The dashboard issued an email and text alerts to the conservators when the temperature or humidity reach the specified limits, this allows them to be pro-active and act quickly to resolve issues if there are dangers for the documents rather than being reactive after damage is done.
Results: So far, this has been really well received and as a result of the success, a further 12 sensors have been installed, bringing the total to 16.
Types of sensors used;
- Milesight Environment Sensors - Co2, Temperature, Humidity, light, TVOC (volatile organic compounds) - average cost £280 per sensor
- IM Buildings Footfall sensors (trialling Milesight footfall sensors also) - average cost £230 per sensor