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Ebbw Vale: Monitoring usage of popular Active Travel cycle path

Challenge: In collaboration with Blaenau Gwent's Active Travel , there was an inititaive to encourage usage of local active travel routes. To aid this, an understanding of the usage and habits of users and how they could encourgae use of the cycle paths throughout Blaenau Gwent was needed.
Solution: Damian Williams, IoT Delivery Officer, Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council installed a Chambers bike and people counter on the active travel route at Abertillery park to monitor the times and number of users of the trail. The sensors are housed in recycled plastic bollards designed to look like a timber bollard to discourage vandalism. When Sarah, from the Smart Towns team vsiitied the site with Damian, she walked straight passed them as they really just look like bollards!
This allows the Active travel team to know when the trails are used, how frequently and the habits of the users. The team can then determine what maintenance and encouragement is needed to get more people being active and using the routes, an example of suggestions is to install lighting or save on lighting after certain hours. It also allows them to gauge the success of active travel initiatives in the area.
Result: The sensors have been a big success and the Active Travel team are looking to install a further 11 sensors on other routes around the borough. Watch this space for further results ....
It's worth mentioning here, that some sensors are very easy and quick to install, but some will require assistance or sometimes a specialist. On this particular occasion Damian was supported by Gary Howells, Morgan Walsh .
Type of sensor used: Chambers bike and people sensors (a double-sided, battery-operated unit that separately counts people and bikes), average cost is £3600 per pair.